ADU for Enzyme Dosing for Greasetrap

The GreaseBuster

Autoflo Technology’s very own Auto Dosing Unit, known as the GreaseBuster, is the ultimate ADU for enzyme dosing to get rid of fat, oil and grease (FOG) from your grease trap.

Easily found in some of the largest restaurant chains in Malaysia like McDonald’s, Din Tai Fung, etc., it is robust, precise and reliable.

The calibration allows the system to dose accurately, considering factors such as back pressure which could affect a dosing pump’s accuracy.

Up to 30 dosing programmes can easily be set on the built-in timer which has up to 5 years backup power reserve, saving users from having to reset the program due to power interruptions.

Furthermore, the IP65 rated outer covers protects the unit from water projected from a nozzle and dust-tight guaranteeing optimum protection.

ADU for Enzyme Dosing